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SaasRock v0.7 - Entity Builder 2.0 - Low-code CRUD on steroids for SaaS apps
3 years ago

SaasRock v0.7 - Entity Builder 2.0 - Low-code CRUD on steroids for SaaS apps

What is CRUDAPVLMEIGK and why your SaaS needs it sooner or later?

SaasRock v0.6 - Usage-based, One-time, and Multi-currency pricing
3 years ago

SaasRock v0.6 - Usage-based, One-time, and Multi-currency pricing

The first release of SaasRock came with only 2 pricing models: Flat-rate and Per-seat. Soon enough I would realize 2 things: I need to support more pricing mode.

SaasRock v0.5.0 - Cookie consent and built-in Analytics
3 years ago

SaasRock v0.5.0 - Cookie consent and built-in Analytics

Let your users know the cookies used on your site, and track their page views and events with the built-in analytics Enterprise feature.

SaasRock v0.4.0 - Events and Webhooks

SaasRock v0.4.0 - Events and Webhooks

Use the Events to log essential data and use Webhooks to customize your business logic within internal or external webhooks.

SaasRock v0.3.2 - Row Filters, Tags, Tasks, Comments, Workflows, Kanban Board, and API limits

SaasRock v0.3.2 - Row Filters, Tags, Tasks, Comments, Workflows, Kanban Board, and API limits

The entity builder just got stronger with a lot of new features for every created Row. Plus a Kanban board component and API limits based on the account's subscription.

Creating a CRM from scratch using SaasRock’s Entity Builder

Creating a CRM from scratch using SaasRock’s Entity Builder

I’ll write about the steps I take as I’m creating my own CRM for SaasRock’s core.

SaasRock v0.2.7 - Roles, Permissions, Groups, and Row-level visibility

SaasRock v0.2.7 - Roles, Permissions, Groups, and Row-level visibility

Added admin and application Roles & Permissions for page views and actions. Added application Groups and Row-level visibility - only you, public, or share with account members, groups, or specific users.

SaasRock - The Remix SaaS kit - May 2022 Product Update

SaasRock - The Remix SaaS kit - May 2022 Product Update

Custom Entities with Views/Forms/API/Webhooks, PER_SEAT pricing model, and new docs page.

7 things I've learned using Remix for 1 month

7 things I've learned using Remix for 1 month

Full-stack routes, loaders, actions, error boundaries, optimistic UI, and more.

Remix SaaS kit v0.0.1 - QuickStart & Core Concepts

Remix SaaS kit v0.0.1 - QuickStart & Core Concepts

Learn what you can do with the Remix SaaS kit.